Monday, December 18, 2006


This Semester. Finally finished! I’m finished with another semester, and with 95 accumulated hours earned, I officially have Senior status. Although my grades have not all been posted yet, I am reasonably confident that my GPA has not been jeopardized.
Semester Break. At the last minute, I talked myself into signing up for a three-week winter class. So what was once looked forward to as a five-week break has now sadly turned into only a two-week break.
McGraw Contest. The good news is that I just won an essay contest that will give me $500 to apply toward my winter tuition. It’s very expensive! One class is over $700. I will be in class four hours a day, five days a week for three weeks. They say one day is equivalent to a week’s work. I am already weary of it.
Goals. Outside of the family holiday activities, my goals for the semester break (all two weeks of it) are limited to two activities: 1) Sewing and 2) Organizing (my usual). As Sharon put it, we will ideally “have a place for everything, and everything shall be in its place.” I am old enough now that you would think I would have a good system down for organizing all my papers. I am so sick of papers, paper, papers. I have actually started the process already of turning all the papers that are so heavily weighing upon me into .pdf files. It is embarrassing really at how much sentimental value goes into the papers that surround me on a daily basis. My bank statements, my everything-else statements, junk mail that I might have time to look at some day—I’ve decided that it’s time they go. I took a deep breath yesterday and signed up for paperless statements from various institutions at which I own an account. That’s a big step for me. I like paper.
Doors. “Thank God there’s such a thing as doors.” This came from Sharon outside the bathroom door (I had just finished my shower). I tend to agree. What if there were no such things as doors? No doubt, everyone’s business would be just that—everyone’s business. Yikes!
Nerds. I found out tonight at Colin’s birthday party that Mervin Dale likes Nerds too (the candy kind). Interesting. I never would have guessed it of him. Every Halloween, I try to stock up on enough Nerds to last me the next year. Colton usually comes and begs them off me throughout the year though, so I’m always running short.
Colton. Speaking of Colton, would you believe he came over to our house one Sunday afternoon several weeks ago, and because we had locked our doors to preserve our nap time from him, he came around and started beating on Sharon’s bedroom window to wake her up??? Sharon was livid, as you can imagine, and I would venture to guess that he won’t be doing that again very soon.
Dreamweaver. Now that I have completed my Dreamweaver class, I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of website design. I actually purchased the software for my home computer. It’s such expensive software that I bought my first student edition software. A good way to save money, and I may as well do it while I qualify.
IE 7. I now have upgraded my Internet Explorer to version 7.0. I am a die-hard Opera fan, but I must say this version of Internet Explorer has promise. The main thing I don’t like about it is that it doesn’t have the Magic Wand that Opera has. The Magic Wand in Opera will fill in your user ids and passwords with the mere click of a button. I LOVE that! I have too many passwords and variations of passwords.
Windows Media Player. I also just acquired the newest version of Windows Media Player. I thought I liked the last version, but I know I like this one better. It has a black techno skin, and not only looks cool, but it also has an interface somewhat in the style of Picasa. It does for music what Picasa does for photos. Nifty, nifty.
Half.Com. I have discovered the joy of selling my textbooks on Half.Com. In less than a week, I have made FOUR (4) sales, and I am tickled to death. You have to take a loss, for sure, but for books you don’t care a fig about, the cash is much better than the space they occupy. Two of them were novels and ones I did not enjoy when I was required to read them. I am so glad to send them out the door! I have purchased quite a few of my textbooks from online sources—another great way to save money.
Group Projects. May I just say that I am NOT fond of group projects? I have just finished a dreaded group project in one of my classes. From what I hear, the required class I’ve signed up for in the Spring Semester has another group project almost identical to the one I just completed. The theory behind group projects is that it supposedly prepares you for working with others as a team once you’re in the work environment. May I also just say that I think that that’s baloney?! In the work environment, at least your chances for competent partners are 100% greater! And usually you don’t have to work with a group of FIVE (5)! Too, too many. This particular group wasn’t too bad to work with—it’s just annoying, more than anything. And to think that another one is looming on the horizon. Argh!
Christmas Cards. I need to go work on my Christmas Card List—something I haven’t done for the past several years. I wonder how many people actually enjoy getting them.