Sunday, January 25, 2004

Tattooes, Treadmills, and Teapots

Jan 25, 2004

Well, folks, I will do a quick update on This New Chapter of mine, and then I'm off to bed.

It seems I've plunged right into the college scene. And wow! What a scene it is! I've seen clothing I wouldn't put on my last scarecrow. The tongue rings, eyebrow rings, lip rings, and tattoos that come around would keep any Amish girl in constant wide-eyed wonder. "I have to get tattoos on my legs," one boy proudly proclaimed, lifting his pant legs, "I'm a business major." "What about when you wear shorts?" another student asked. "You don't wear shorts to work," he answered. He was quite proud that he knew all the tattoo artists in town and that they have "staked claim" on his body parts. Why, it only cost him $75.00 for the HUGE one on his leg. Needless to say, at this point, there has been no bonding...I prefer my state of reserve.

I enjoy all my classes with the exception of one. It's an environmental science class, and just as I suspected, it is my least favorite. The prof, who happens to be the author of the textbook we're using, is arrogant and uses crude language. "One fourth of you are going to flunk this class," he proclaimed loudly on the first day of class. Hello?? That is NOT what a wobbly student wants to hear! Furthermore, I find his colorful language to be quite offensive. So with a teacher that struggles and content that struggles just as can see why the class is my least favorite. "Spatial distribution"..... sheesh.

The hardest part of my homework is all the reading assignments we have to keep up with. Huge, huge amounts of reading.... oh, SO time-consuming! I took it with me to the gym one morning and was reading while walking on the treadmill. All at once, I heard a horrendous crash; lo and behold, the lady on the treadmill next to me had fallen down onto the belt crosswise. I looked up in time to see her trip down the belt and watched in horror as she was hurled against the wall. Her head hit the wall with a resounding smack! She was ok, so she said, but it was a good reminder for me to watch what I'm doing. She had also been reading. That'll probably be my next drama....

Speaking of dramas.... Not quite finished with the kitchen drama in my life, I've now managed to melt my one and only teapot. I was planning to curl up with one of my text-books one cold night and wanted a bit of warmth to keep me company. Capuccino was on the menu; I put water into the teapot and retired to my bedroom to begin my reading assignment. I lost track of time, and the next thing I knew, Sharon was shrieking something at me about some teapot... It turns out the water had completely boiled away, and the teapot enamel, once pristine white, had actually begun to melt onto the burner. The sticker that had once indicated the fill line is now black. It also has "age spots" on it in various and sundry places. We have deep, coil-shaped ridges on the teapot and a coating of enamel on the burner...amazing how that works. And I haven't had a capuccino urge since.

Well, enough for now...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

This Chapter Begins...

Jan 11, 2004

My Big Step...... I am stepping out into the world of the ripe old age of 28 . My first class is tomorrow night, and just the thought of it literally takes my breath away. I am taking four classes: Personal Health, Western Civilization Since 1648, Introduction to Man's Physical Environment, and Freshman English. I look at each one with equal amounts of dread.

With college added to my already overly-full schedule, I am just determined there has to be a way to be organized in all aspects of my life. And I'm a confessed organizational disaster. I've got to figure out how to balance working full-time (40 hours), going to school full-time (12 hours), keeping our church's medical aid plan operational, all the while trying to keep up with my house-cleaning, my laundry, my budget, my diet, and my exercise program. And it would be nice to schedule some sewing and even some sleep in there every once in a while. I've got all sorts of tips lined up for myself, but if anyone wants to contribute any additional insights, feel free.

Congratulations to my brother Alvin. He and Doretta announced their engagement on January 1. A July 24 wedding is planned. As you can imagine... we've launched Operation Skinny Wedding. Lord willing and my eyes open on time, I shall be getting up at 5:15 a.m. tomorrow morning and hitting the gym.

Today I once again proved that cooking is simply not my thing. It was my turn to stay home from church with my mom's bed-bound patient and cook the family's fare. I wanted a one-dish meal, so I picked out Cheeseburger Soup. Things progressed nicely for the first little while until I grated my knuckle right along with a carrot. Ouch! I finally had everything in the pot and my hands were feeling dry, so I went in search of some of Jolene's lotion. I glanced into the toilet and noticed some "moron" had forgotten to flush. So I flushed the toilet, then went to fishing around in Jolene's cupboard to find "the lotion that was not." I was in the cupboard right above the "Porcelain Express" and was a bit concerned that something might fall, ending with a great splash. I made a move as if to put the lid down, when what to my horrified eyes should appear but a rising water level and the same two pieces of toilet paper that had been about halfway down only a short time before. I did some swift maneuvers, but it was too late. The toilet overflowed, the liquid splashing down around my toes as I whirled and swirled and grabbed for every towel within the immediate vicinity. NOT my love language!

I recovered as best I could then went back to finishing my pot of soup. Everything was ready by 12:00, and it was quite tasty! I set the burner to "simmer" then sat down to wait for the Fam. I picked up my cross stitch and finally got to relax for the first time of the morning. 12:10.... sniff, sniff.... please, God, NO! I ran to the stove, dipped my tasting spoon into it and confirmed that yes, it was scorched. HOW does soup scorch on "simmer"???? Then I did go into a tail spin. With the Fam due home at any moment, how could I explain that lunch for the day was not going to be a reality? You should've seen me.... the cd player was quickly punched to OFF....I raced into the pantry to see what in the world I could come up with immediately.

I finally decided that I was going to make another attempt at cheeseburger soup. Boy, did I improvise. There was no more delicate grating of carrots.... I grabbed a bag of somebody's already-washed carrots and celery left over from a lunch last week, and I went to hacking and chopping those things into big old chunks. I took the last can of chicken broth, dumped it into a much-smaller pot. Thank goodness for a Campbell's family size chicken and rice soup can I found in the pantry. I dumped it into the pot. Because there was rice in it already, I didn't have to cook any more rice. I boiled it full speed ahead to try to soften up the celery and carrots... I had had some hamburger left over from the first pot, so in it went as well. Mushroom soup, milk, and sour cream topped it off, and twenty minutes after I started, I had the same effect as what I had had after a whole morning's work for the big pot....only on a much smaller scale. :-(
Since it was a considerably smaller portion, I thought I would make some biscuits to help fill people up. Out came the bisquick... I whipped up a batch of biscuits quicker than anything.
Into the driveway rolled Mom and Dad and Martin and Jolene. I popped the biscuits into the oven. Here comes Martin in the door...nosier than he needed to be. "What's in there?" he asked, pointing to my carefully covered Big Pot. "Nothing!" I snapped, smacking his inquiring hands away. Would he give it up? No. I had to literally drape myself over the pot to keep him from lifting the lid. The more I protested, the more he tried to peel me off it.

My resolve beginning to crumble, I screeched, "I burned the soup!! Are you happy now??" Oh hah hahah cha cha!......just as I figured, the persecution began immediately. Was I in the mood? No! My jaw set, I continued to stir the soup with slow, deliberate motions and ordered Martin outside to get the ice.

Would you believe the next thing we knew the smoke alarm was going off? What?? Must be time to change the batteries. I sent Jolene to wave something in front of it (dumb thing), and it quit..... momentarily. And then it resumed its high-pitch shrilling. What could be setting it off?? Oh NO! The biscuits! Straight from the oven.... into the trash can.
The only thing left for the whole sordid mess was to dish out very controlled portions of the cloned Cheeseburger Soup, which reportedly, was quite tasty in the end! As if I were the local dog, I tucked my tail between my legs... but I'm finding.... Life goes on.

Here's to hoping the rest of the week goes a little better than today did! I've got my knuckle bandaged, and there's no chance of burning my sandwich for tomorrow, so things are starting to look up!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

This Blogger...

Welcome to my world. I invite you to join me as I "blog" my way through college. Like most bloggers, I am writing to no particular audience. This is simply my online journal. Again, welcome to this chapter in my life.