Monday, April 25, 2005


Well, I've now got an air conditioner that gives my car value once again. I dropped it off at Auto Pro this afternoon for the Great Fix, then walked over to Barnes and Noble so that I could do my Math homework in a smoke-free environment. I just about fell asleep and was mighty close to being sprawled out across my notebook right there in the corner of B & N. Then my cell phone rang, and my car was ready.

Mechanics are some of my favorite people. They are a prime example of people "you shouldn't judge by their appearance." Who else but a mechanic would display multiple pictures of Hillbilly Bob on his wall... and be proud of it?? Who else would post forwarded email jokes on their coke machine? Who else would store a container for water on top of the coke machine for the occasional dog who comes in? There's just something about the greasy clothes, the black fingernails, the missing teeth... that just gives you confidence that your car will last you another five years (please God, at least through college...).

Things are better when they work. But not all my things are working these days, it seems. My Outlook (email) is one of them. Why would Outlook work perfectly fine one day... I shut my computer down and unplug all cords, etc., because of severe weather in the area... and then when I bring it back up, it refuses to download any email? I can access it fine through a browser, but that's far from desirable. I'm hoping it just has the flu and that it will soon be back in good health; otherwise, I might need a good Outlook mechanic. Know of any?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog it is os interesting and funny.
But if you need help with your outlook why dont you call your brother Alvin wouldnt he probably be able to help you?

12:22 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

Susie, Truth be known... I enjoy writing my blog... Glad you enjoy it.

I think I must've met you if you work at Choice, yes?

As for Alvin... I wait to call on him until something is really, REALLY wrong...and just hope I can come up with some type of a "fix" in the meantime.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe you were the one wanting to learn how the whole scanning, parsing programs worked?

Ah I see probably a smart idea!

11:19 AM  

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