Friday, March 11, 2005

Bombing the Black-Eyed Stalker

Well, today we had a bomb threat at school, or so it was rumored. When Igot to the Fine Arts Building to go into my most-dreaded class of the day, I was stopped at the door by a lady who told me no one is allowed in the building. The fire alarms were going, and continued to do so, for about twenty minutes. This was, of course, while it was sleeting, and the wind was blowing. Very Chilly! The police came, and the firetrucks came, and the students huddled together to stay warm. So what is there to do during the whole thing? Why, chat, of course. This little Taiwanese girl came upto the door where I was standing, and we started talking; we talked for the entire twenty minutes-- noses dripping, eyes watering--some quality bonding,to be sure. She's over here getting her Masters. She learned English in six months and is now taking German. She was so cute. I told her I'd helpher with her German if she wanted me to, and she just jumped up and down with excitement. German isn't a requirement for her; she's just taking it because she's "interested" in it. And then we got to talking about NYC, and I was giving her advice on how to travel there and get around. She was thrilled. She can't go home this summer, so she wants to do some traveling,and NYC is a place she wants to go.

We eventually were allowed back into the building to begin our classes. I was grateful that it was that class in particular that was cut short. All we did was listen to Blues music. I don't like Blues, although I think I could become pretty good in authoring some verses. I didn't know this, but Blues songs typically have a 12 bar structure, comprised of 3-line verses. The first two lines of the verse are exactly the same, and the third line just rhymes with the other two. The purpose of Blues is to help you work through your troubles, and you do so by wailing about them. I can see how it could work, but boy, does it ever sound awful.

Mrs. P shocked the socks off of us today. She tottered into the room this morning touting sunglasses and a HUGE black eye with a bandaid on it. Itlooked terrible. Nobody said a word, but you could feel the tension--even shock--in the air instantly. It really was shocking! She is usually in such tight control. She didn't say anything for quite a little bit, then she said, "This is the result of missing the last step, falling flat on my face, and then spending several hours in the emergency room getting stitches. I really don't feel well." That was plain to see. She muddled through it, but you could even tell by her writing that she wasn't "right."We had time to work in class, so Jake (TA) kind've took over with helpingus. Mrs. P sat there, her eyes closed, head drooping. It was unnerving.

And now for news on my parking lot stalker... I thought maybe I had broken the blue van from stalking my parking place, and yesterday, I decided to start parking back where usually do. Sure enough, when I got out of class... he was there again.. This time, he even had his blinker on!! And he nodded at me with just a glimmer of a smile as I walked by... as if Iwere his long lost bud'! I just cannot tolerate such goings on. Back to the drawing board...


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