Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I'm at That Point

Quite frankly, I'm at that point--that point I get to in every semester [all three of them]... where I'm finished with my classes before my professors seem to be. I feel as if my brain can take in no more, and I'm just itching for the semester to be over. My spring break has come and gone; it wasn't a break, really; I just worked extra hours to try to earn enough money to pay for my next semester. My List of Things to Do that I went into spring break with came back out looking every bit as full. My stress quota is at its max, it seems. I'm tired of graphing parabolas, I'm tired of reading, reading, reading, I'm tired of the Cravens elevators being out of commission (WHEN??)--I'm just simply tired of being tired.

My Math teacher fell down the stairs and spent four days in the hospital, my German teacher got hit by a car while riding her bicycle in a crosswalk [by a student, no less], and my Art teacher STILL hasn't given us our midterms back. I've got one class that I think every day I just cannot bear to go back to--it's an awful one--and yet, there I am, day after day after day(one step in front of the other).

Is this spring fever?

On the bright side... I found a penny lying on the sidewalk the other day; I picked it up and immediately brought the cost of my tuition down one whole cent. :)

And now I feel better.


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