Saturday, January 01, 2005

And Now for the Next Semester...

Well, I've been taking classes at WKU since January, 2004--a whole year now. I've been taking General Ed classes both semesters, so those aren't quite as pleasant as I think learning should be. Thank goodness I've gotten some of the nasty ones out of the way though, such as speech and literature. College really is a different world, and I've found myself with a wrinkled brow more than once. But at the same time, what a pleasure it is to actually find a kindred spirit. I try to find at least one "buddy" per class just in case I have to miss class sometime. I then have someone I can ask for homework assignments. In my algebra class, there are three of us who've sort've banded together and formed our own very unique "support group." No meetings or things like that, but if one of us couldn't get a concept, we have someone else to go to clear up the haze. We have all three signed up for the same Algebra 116 class next semester, so I'm not as apprehensive about that class as I am the others. I don't enjoy beginning new classes because you have to start over proving yourself to your new teachers. Most lump you together with the typical college student who skips class and doesn't care about grades, and sometimes it's hard to break out of the box they put you in.

My classes for next semester include another Algebra class, German, Art Appreciation, and ....Philosophy. I can NOT imagine sitting through a Philosophy class, and I've tried my best to get out of it. I was the victim of being in the last group eligible to sign up for classes, and it was literally the only thing left that would fit my very cramped schedule. I've got to have the class in order to keep my one very tiny scholarship I've actually managed to qualify for. In a fit of desperation, I contacted a teacher in a Junior-level class and asked--well, ok..begged--to be let in. He was very nice about it and said it's fine with him. I was put on his waiting list, but wouldn't you know it--once the slot became available, the department wouldn't let me in because I'm not a Junior yet. How discouraging is that? So I'm in the process of appealing it. I submitted a persuasive essay that any English teacher of mine should be proud of. It remains to be seen if it will do any good. I just don't think Plato and Socrates are ready for me yet.


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