I am Suspicious...
I am suspicious...of gas that is less than $2.00/gallon.
How long do you think my car will run on it?
"And there Piglet is," said Owl. "If the string doesn't break." "Supposing it does?" asked Piglet, wanting to know. "Then we try another piece of string." This was not very comforting to Piglet, because however many pieces of string they tried pulling up with, it would always be the same him coming down...
If you lived around here (Kansas), not only would you be suspicious, you would be walking. That is, unless you find a store where their premium is $2 or more. Current gas price is $1.79. I find it rather hard to complain.
Who's complaining? Gas here is $1.75.
Has your usual strategy of buying gas at two miles less than empty changed any in light of the lower prices?
No actually, it hasn't. I don't see why fluctuating gas prices should affect common sense. :-) And, to tell you the truth, I can't remember the last time I ran out of gas.
Obviously, there is more than one interpretation of the definition of "common sense."
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