Monday, May 09, 2005

The final Final

Thursday I had my last two finals of the spring semester. As anticipated, the all-essay test was a beast. I had stayed up till 1:00 organizing my notes and preparing for the essay that was hinted at and never showed up.

But it was the final Final that did me in. In the course of the events of the week, I just ran out of time to study for the last one, the art final. In addition to all our other study resources we had to cover, we had about 7 pieces of art (sculpture, churches, paintings) that we had to be able to identify by title, artist, and era. I clocked out of work about two hours early and went to the library to study. It was so hot, I had to take my shoes off in order to even function.

I began the final, feeling very un-studied. Everything I had just crammed fled my mind. And horror of horrors, we had to know every single one of those slides instead of just a few out of the many like we had had on prior tests. It was a terrible feeling. And one of the terms that had so boldly been listed on the review sheet to make sure we knew... elusively slipped away, never to be regained (I had only read over that term about twenty different times during the course of my study). Oh, the agony. The Prof was somewhat kind to us and built in some that you couldn't get wrong like: "T or F--The Simpsons are a much better cartoon than South Park." I didn't even know what South Park was, but I suspected he liked the Simpsons, so I answered in kind.

There were several of us at the end that were just moaning and groaning about this exam. He tried to reassure us and all that, but there just wasn't much comfort to be had. This exam, for the one guy, was the determination of whether or not he could even come back to school. "You have to have at least a 2.0," he said. (yah??) Another girl was worried about even passing the course with a decent grade (she had totally bombed the first exam of the semester), and I was worrying that I had blown my 4.0 with this very humbling performance.

I finally resigned myself to handing it in. He graciously looked it over and told me he wouldn't worry about it. Easy to say when you're the prof, I've noticed.

I've been worried ever since; and I will not be satisfied until I way or the other. All my grades have been posted on Topnet except for Art, of course. I have literally been checking all day long... about every thirty minutes or so. And even 11:00 at night, I can't resist checking it. Why I think the prof would be up this late posting grades, I can't imagine. Nevertheless, I think I'll take a quick peek...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So How did you do?

2:09 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

I ended up with a B on it--only after getting some of the extra credit--just as I suspected. I did well enough earlier in the semester, however, to keep an A average for the class. Whew! I felt like I was on the verge of academic bankruptcy on that one.

3:26 PM  

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