And what about drummer boy quarters? Do you just spend them like you would any other quarter? I think I’ve saved every single drummer boy I’ve ever come across. And with having been both a waitress and a cashier {during the dismal chapter of my life}, I have seen a lot of them. But for what? Will they ever become more valuable than $.25? I almost fell prey to the temptation of collecting all the state-specific quarters, but thank goodness I gave that up a long time ago.
I think part of my fascination with drummer boys comes from my mother. She had this nifty “piggy” bank in the form of a blue mailbox with a red flag. I remember opening it once (under her supervision, of course), and out poured hundreds and hundreds of drummer boys. I thought that was the bomb!
And so I go on collecting my “boys”… and my gold… oh, and wheat pennies...
But I did come up with $75.50 that I am taking to the bank.
And how much is in your change dish?
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