Thursday, May 31, 2007


So I’m counting down my change jar tonight {things are getting a little dire around here}, and I come across a gold quarter put out in 2000. I hadn’t remembered that they put out a gold quarter, but there it was, sure enough. I’m convinced they do things like that to make a person hoard them. Why, there’s no way I’m going to package up my gold quarter only for it to be deposited into the bank where its gold ceases to shine. And remember the Pocahontas dollar coin? (or was it $2)? No way am I going to spend such a special dollar!

And what about drummer boy quarters? Do you just spend them like you would any other quarter? I think I’ve saved every single drummer boy I’ve ever come across. And with having been both a waitress and a cashier {during the dismal chapter of my life}, I have seen a lot of them. But for what? Will they ever become more valuable than $.25? I almost fell prey to the temptation of collecting all the state-specific quarters, but thank goodness I gave that up a long time ago.

I think part of my fascination with drummer boys comes from my mother. She had this nifty “piggy” bank in the form of a blue mailbox with a red flag. I remember opening it once (under her supervision, of course), and out poured hundreds and hundreds of drummer boys. I thought that was the bomb!

And so I go on collecting my “boys”… and my gold… oh, and wheat pennies...

But I did come up with $75.50 that I am taking to the bank.

And how much is in your change dish?


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