Thursday, November 16, 2006

Weathering Storms

I could not believe the weather today. It started out rainy and drizzly but relatively warm. And that’s what I based the strength of my garb on. I spent most of the day in the STH building, and boy, was I in for a shock when I emerged. Chilly breezes!! And I had to walk down the hill in the rainy chill. Needless to say, I was chilled to the bone by the time I got to the car, and I vowed that this shall not happen to me again this year. I would rather tote an unneeded coat around all day than to have to walk in such a cold state.

It’s like the cashier at the Citgo where I stopped to get a cappuccino said, “They said it’s holding steady at 41. And I said, ‘Tell me where. I wanna go there.’”

Speaking of stormy weather… we had a mild storm in my Quality class this week—only it was the human kind. The majority of the class took offense at a comment one of the guys made during on of our classmates’ presentations. And when he didn’t show up in class the following day, there were some who were quite vocal in their displeasure with him. I had heard the same comment, I guess, but I didn’t find it particularly offensive because that’s just him. Well, he somehow heard how he had been roasted publicly, so today he got up and apologized for his comment, but he also told them that he would appreciate being talked to one-on-one before he becomes the topic of a class discussion, which I think is fair. There were some exchanges, but in the end, it was worked out to the satisfaction of everyone, I think.

We are going to Michigan tomorrow. I’m excited to be seeing my cousin Spencer whom Sharon and I were with in Germany this summer. We’re going to “chew the fat,” as they say. Spencer actually went to a language school in Berlin after we were with him, so it will be interesting to see if his German has improved. Sharon and I are VERY interested in doing the same thing. This thing of taking it for a semester here and a semester there is just not very effective. I’ve been perusing the language school websites wistfully. If it weren’t for the price of the ticket over, it’d be a pretty cheap investment.

I do just have to comment on language school websites that are only available to be viewed in German: They’re absolutely worthless!


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