Sunday, September 10, 2006

Like a Mint

I am longing for the beaches of Navarre, and here is why. The constant barrage of schoolwork for the past year with only a break of two weeks has finally caught up with me, and I have come to realize that I really do need some R & R. This became quite apparent to me this morning when I found that I had just washed my hair with toothpaste instead of my usual shampoo. Yes, that’s right. Crest gel. Tartar control. Believe me, it was the most disgusting feeling to have toothpaste not only all over my hands, but all over my hair too.

And the day disintegrated further when I discovered that my Outlook has decided that, for all intents and purposes, it will no longer be serving as my email client. And I have effectively wasted several hours this afternoon trying to coax it back to life. But alas! It shall not be! So now I have to make several unfriendly decisions that include whether or not to upgrade to a more expensive version of Microsoft Office.

But at least I smelled like a mint all day. And my hair has not even a trace of tartar on it... anywhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey child, you DO need some RR. Ireland would be great for that, I promise. From now on, my definition of extreme exhaustion will be Crest in the hair. The self talk will go something like this: "And so, take heart; ye have not yet resorted to Crest..."

5:06 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

Anita, this I will not deny. Ireland is only a matter of time.

We need to talk sometime.

9:26 PM  

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