Saturday, August 27, 2005

Toad Hall

Despite my “No Vacancy” sign, this little guy is the newest visitor to Toad Hall (aka my window well). I first heard him as I was trying to go to sleep last night. He is the type that will just open the window himself, come in, and make himself at home. He’s huge! To put it into perspective for you, most of the toads that visit me are about the size of his back leg. From the sound of his thumping on the window, I actually was imagining him to be a rabbit or a skunk or a ‘possum. I refused to go look last night for fear he would plague my dreams. I woke up several times during the night when he would launch himself at my window. I was relieved when I found him to be a basically sedentary toad—large, but at least not rabid or fast-moving. Now how should I get him out? I suppose I shall have to enlist the help of Colton who seems to be fearless where toads are concerned. I do SO not like things that go thump in the night.


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