Friday, January 20, 2006

Humpty Dumpty's Broken Leg

One day earlier this week was a particularly long and drawn-out day. Lori (receptionist) had called in sick with a headache, so that meant that Kris got to spend the day out front, and therefore, her own work was put on the shelf... again. Anyway, Dr. G was in Pokey Mode that day, and it was so frustrating for us to spend all day on patients that should only have taken until 2:30 or 3:00 at the latest. When 5 o’clock rolled around, we had just finished up the last patient. I announced to all that it was “time to go home!”

We gathered up our things and headed out the door. I was out by the mall fighting traffic when I got a phone call from Dee. “You will never believe what just happened to me,” she said. Well, just what could happen in the ten minutes since I had left? She proceeded to tell me.

Dee and Dr. G were the only ones left. Dee was about to clock out when she heard this primal, almost animal-like shriek come from the back of the building. The shriek was accompanied by a very distinct curse word, hollered out just as forcefully. She froze. She says she literally thought that Dr. G had finally done it and was being attacked by a stray patient. She ran to the treadmill room and flipped on the light, expecting–at a minimum–to see the victim of a homicide. Instead of blood and gore, it was only the doc pulling himself up off the floor, one curse at a time. “What happened??” she asked. “I ‘bout peed on myself–you scared me so bad!”

“I almost broke my d*!# leg!” he said, angrily. He finished getting up, then turned and gave a vicious kick to the poor unsuspecting chair that was out from under its table by several inches. Now under normal circumstances, the chair would not have been a problem. But when you walk into a pitch black room without turning the light on... Well, what can you expect?? It was not his moment of glory, shall we say. Neither was it the chair’s.

He finished putting Humpty Dumpty together again, then hobbled off without another word to his office to get whatever thing he was after in the first place.

The next day, Dee wanted to ask him if his leg was sore, but she was afraid she’d get slapped. Some things just aren’t worth it. And amazingly enough, we didn’t get an in-service on chairs that are out further than necessary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I needed a good laugh and that certainly did the trick. Thank you so much, Dr. G will never know how entertaining he is to me.

11:35 PM  

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