Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Contact us? Yeah, right!

One thing that really annoys me are these websites that give you a "contact us" form to fill in instead of their email address. You fill it in and ask whatever question it is you happen to have—and never hear from them. I like to think that I am a valuable customer… and they lose me in whatever void it is to which these forms send my information.

For example, when I was trying to organize SEMMA's large annual meeting last fall, I spent quite a bit of time filling out this form online that would allow their hotel conference center prepare an estimate for me—they would be back in touch with me shortly, the automatic response told me. I never heard even a peep from them.

Just yesterday, I contacted a company regarding a product that I could no longer find listed online. It was not a difficult question: do you or do you not carry this product anymore? A nice automatic email came popping into my inbox telling me that customer service will be in contact with me shortly. Nada-nilch—nothing!

I recently sent an inquiry to a hostel regarding their accommodations. This one even gave me a real email address instead of just a form. Again, no response!!

Quite frankly, I am tired of it. If they are not serious about being contacted, then they shouldn't give me that option in the first place. What happened to customer service?


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